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Laughter is an instant vacation.

Enjoy your travels knowing your pet is safe and happy.



Laughter is an instant vacation.

Enjoy your travels knowing your pet is safe and happy.



      At Laughing Dog Kennel, it's about the dogs! 

We are everything a boarding facility should be!  We believe that our dogs & cats are truly one of life's treasures.  When you go out of town, let us care for your little treasure! We treat your pets like our family here.

Our philosophy is simple:  Your pets’ happiness and well-being matter. When they're cared for in a loving, safe facility with a trusted & knowledgeable staff, you can relax and enjoy your travels.  

      We are Gallup's first and only full-care pet facility, where your "fur-kids" can be pampered while you're traveling and the perfect place for  busy puppies to stay all day for socialization, FUN, and training while pet-parents are at work.  Expert grooming services and training for puppies and adult dogs are offered as well.  We are Gallup's first & only one-stop, all inclusive dog facility. 

Experience counts!  It's not enough just to be a dog lover or owner.  With over 55 years of combined experience grooming professionally, training in obedience, tracking & agility, showing in conformation, caring for rescue dogs & working for veterinarians, Jenny & Libby will care for your pets with knowledge as well as love!  We are truly pet professionals!

Our brand new facility boasts modern indoor/outdoor kennels for dogs over 25# and new roomy cages for the little guys (under 25#) which are large, safe and secure. The facility is entirely fenced for your dog's safety.   All canine boarding Guests are let outside every two hours to potty and/or play & run off-leash in over a half acre fenced exercise yard.  All this is available at one convenient location, just off route 66 behind Sandra's Place cafe! 

We invite you to explore our site to learn more about us, our services, and how to get your pet enrolled to stay and play with us. We're looking forward to meeting you and your furry family members!  Feel free to call  863-DOGS or click the email link for more information.

      When choosing the right place for your fur-kids to stay, be sure to ask questions and tour the facility where your precious pet will be accommodated.  There IS a difference at Laughing Dog Kennel, and your dog will let you know!  Here are some important things to check out before you leave your pet at any boarding facility:

* What type of enclosure will your pet be kept in during his/her stay?    At Laughing Dog Kennel,  we have  brand new indoor/outdoor runs for dogs over 25#.  Dogs can go in & out as they please all day.  The outside kennel runs are partly under shade, so they can choose to hang out either in cool shade or bask in the sun.  At night they are closed off in the roomy indoor portion of their run.  The cages for dogs under 25# are large & safe.  Dogs are given a peanut butter filled toy mid-morning, and a chewy treat at night.  Our feline friends stay in kitty condos in a "cats only" room, separate from the dogs to avoid stress.  We feed twice a day, unless you request a mid-day meal.    We welcome pet parents to tour our kennel any time during business hours, to see for yourself the accommodations we offer.  There are also many pictures of our actual kennel facilities & happy Guests on this website. 

 * Does the facility smell clean?  We invite you to stop in and tour Laughing Dog Kennel any time during business hours and see for yourself if we pass the "smell test".  A clean kennel doesn't smell like dog poop!

* How often will your dog  be let outside to potty?  Will exercise time be on or off leash? Is the facility fully fenced for safety? At Laughing Dog Kennel all dogs are let outside  every two hours, off leash, to do their business, run around & play in a fully fenced half-acre exercise yard.  For obvious safety reasons,  during their stay dogs are always kept within a fully fenced area & never exercised off-premises.  Our feline Guests are let out of their condos twice daily to explore the kitchen and get attention while we clean their condo and litter box.  Our staff of trained pet-professionals are here from 4:00 am to 6:00 pm making sure your four-legged family member receives the very best care and attention.  With 60+ years of combined experience grooming professionally, training, handling, showing, working for veterinarians, & of course life-long pet ownership, your pet couldn't be in better hands.   

* Will your dog be kept with other Guests?  When adult dogs from different house-holds are thrown together with other unfamiliar dogs of varying ages, genders and sizes, a fight can start & escalate in the blink of an eye---potentially resulting in serious injury.  For this obvious safety reason, we do not mix Guests with other Guests from different house-holds.   Only Guests who live within the same house-hold are kept or exercised together.  Dogs are not children & cannot be expected to "play nice" with strange dogs.  This is a human rule/idea that cannot safely be applied to dogs.

* Will your dog or cat be fed the "kennel food" during their stay?  It might sound nice that the kennel will provide your pet's food, but true pet professionals know that this is a recipe for digestive upset.  When a dog or cat's food is abruptly changed from one brand to another, they WILL have diarrhea and/or vomiting as a result.   At Laughing Dog Kennel, we want your pets to be happy & comfortable--not sick!  So we require that you bring your pet's own regular food to eat during their stay.  Pets have less stress when they are fed their own familiar food & this avoids tummy problems both during & after their stay.  

* Does the building have security and fire / smoke detector monitoring?   Is it a non-smoking facility?     Laughing Dog Kennel has a security and fire/smoke monitoring system installed and monitored 24 hours a day by Advanced Technical Services. If smoke or fire is detected, the monitoring company immediately calls the fire department.  If there is a break-in, the police are called.  For the health & consideration of our Guests and visitors we do not allow smoking anywhere on the property.

* What is the kennel's protocol if your pet becomes sick while boarding?    At Laughing Dog Kennel, if your pet becomes sick or a veterinary situation arises   (a seizure, for example), we immediately contact the owner via phone and email to notify them that their pet is ill.  If the owner cannot be reached, we call their emergency contact person who can take the pet to their veterinarian.  We do not admit pets that appear to be sick.  We require all pet owners to provide proof of current vaccination status,  per City ordinance.  

*Are they open on Saturdays?  Can your pet be picked up on Sundays?  At Laughing Dog Kennel we are open on Saturdays from 7:30am to 10am and from 3:00 to 4:30 pm, and Sunday pick up is available!

Laughing Dog Kennel offers a 10% police, fire-fighter, military and veteran's discount on all services, every day.  Just show your ID at check-out time.    THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

*Exotic boarding:  We do offer boarding for parrots/birds.  Please call or email for more information.


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We are located at 105 Dean St. in Gallup, NM - just a half-block from historic Route 66 behind Sandra’s Place (formerly the old Plaza Café).







Daycare (fullday) - $18.00
Boarding (1 small dog, cage) - $24.00 per night
Boarding (1 large dog, Indoor/outdoor kennel) - $30.00 per night



Boarding - $20.00 per night


These rates are for a single dog or cat. Please review our Dog and Cat services for more detail and for discounted rates for multiple pets. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE!




Business Hours

Please feel free to stop in and see the facilities anytime during business hours!

Monday - Saturday 7:30-10:00am - 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Sunday Closed, except for pre-scheduled pick-up

Call us to make a reservation at (505) 863-DOGS (3647) or email us at info@laughingdogkennel.com

Boarding reservations are strongly recommended.
Walk-ins for boarding will only be taken if space is available and if owner also provides proof of current vaccination status & food. 
Please review our Policies and FAQ for more information.